New Entity EIN and Tax Classification

This is one of the most important steps that could impact the entire future of your new business. Take your time before applying for an EIN with the Internal Revenue Service. Severe adverse tax consequences could impact the future of your entity.

Name selection. If you choose a name with Corp, or Inc, the default entity will likely be a C Corporation. Taxpayers almost always do not intend on being C Corporations.

If you choose LLC and you are a sole owner it will most likely default to schedule C on your 1040.

In addition, if you answer questions indicating that you will have payroll, and you very well could, it will trigger the filing of payroll forms typically 940 and 941 with automatic filing dates required, which in turn trigger Colorado state withholding filings, Colorado Department of Labor and Employment, and possibly the Denver Head Tax. In additional, it could trigger worker’s compensation insurance.

Save the letter you get from the IRS CP 575 A for the life of your business.

Tax Tips:

  • Avoid Corp or Inc unless you know exactly what you are doing
  • Be prepared to set up State and local payroll accounts if you have employees
  • Most LLC’s will be on schedule C of your 1040, or form 1065 if you have more than just you as a partner

Denver Head Tax a deduction on Colorado State Income Tax Return

We do a host of tax return amendments for clients either as part of OVDP, or simply corrected errors spotted by clients of other CPA’s, c.f.  IRS Pre-Audit Investigations.

As part of our thorough review we noticed that a different accounting office had added back in full the amount of state and local income tax paid by a taxpayer.  Here’s what we gathered based on the tax law.

Colorado State Income Tax return 104 starts with the federal income tax from form 1040.  Pursuant to CRS §39-22-104, certain items are added; that is, taxpayer will pay Colorado State tax on those items even though taxpayer did not pay federal income tax on those items.

One such item is State Income Tax.  State and local income tax is deductible pursuant to IRC §164(a)(3) on a 1040.  It makes sense for Colorado to essentially disallow a deduction for the tax the income of which it is taxing.

Enter local tax, such as the Denver Head Tax. I have good news for you: the Denver Head Tax is deductible on the 1040 and Colorado 104.  It is not added in pursuant to CRS §39-22-104.  The add-in applies only to state income taxes, not local taxes.



S.A.L.T. deduction cap of $10,000 effect in Colorado

The State and local tax (SALT) deduction is limited to $10,000 for tax years beginning 2018.  As such there has been confusion as to whether a taxpayer can prepay 2018 SALT in 2017 and take a full deduction in 2017 thereby avoiding the $10,000 limitation in 2018.  As to Colorado, this has been my experience.

To put this in context, this refers to cash method taxpayers.  Under certain circumstances, cash method taxpayers may prepay liabilities to take a deduction in the year paid as compared with year accrued.  As such, if a Colorado county would not accept payment of a 2018 tax due, then the cash method defeats the prepayment strategy, not the new tax bill.

The cap includes both real estate and income tax.  State income tax cannot be prepaid because of the second to last sentence of the amendment below.  However, real property tax can possibly be prepaid.  Whether the real property tax can be prepaid depends on whether 2018 real property tax has been assessed by that particular county.  Denver has assessed 2018 and it is payable now so Denver could be prepaid.   I checked some other counties and visibility is not clear so call to check with your particular county as to whether the real property tax has been ASSESSED.  If so, and the combined anticipated 2018 SALT (income and property tax) exceeds $10,000), go pay that real estate tax for some tax savings.

It has been my experience in real estate transactions to provide a credit to purchasers for the prior year real estate taxes because they were assessed although not yet due.  This provides further basis to make the case that prepaying 2018 tax is a deduction in 2017.

I have received a case example from a reader of this post.  Taxpayer went to the Arapahoe County Treasurer today, December 29, 2017.  The Treasurer informed taxpayer that Arapahoe considers the tax assessed on May 1, when they value properties.  He promptly paid his 2017 taxes due 2018 and the treasurer gave him a receipt with 2017 printed on it.

Colorado does seem perfectly aligned to prepay your taxes due 2018 in 2017 for a deduction in 2017 to thereby avoid the $10,000 cap in  the new bill.  Of course, there is AMT!

Here’s the text:

SEC. 11042. LIMITATION ON DEDUCTION FOR STATE AND LOCAL, ETC. TAXES. (a) IN GENERAL.-Subsection (b) of section 164 is amended by adding at the end the following new paragraph: ”(6) LIMITATION ON INDIVIDUAL DEDUCTIONS FOR TAXABLE YEARS 2018 THROUGH 2025.-In the case of an individual and a taxable year beginning after December 31, 2017, and before January 1, 2026- ”(A) foreign real property taxes shall not be taken into account under subsection (a)(1), and ”(B) the aggregate amount of taxes taken into account under paragraphs (1), (2), and (3) of subsection (a) and paragraph (5) of this subsection for any taxable year shall not exceed $10,000 ($5,000 in the case of a married individual filing a separate return). The preceding sentence shall not apply to any foreign taxes described in subsection (a)(3) or to any taxes described in paragraph (1) and (2) of subsection (a) which are paid or accrued in carrying on a trade or business or an activity described in section 212. For purposes of subparagraph (B), an amount paid in a taxable year beginning before January 1, 2018, with respect to a State or local income tax imposed for a taxable year beginning after December 31, 2017, shall be treated as paid on the last day of the taxable year for which such tax is so imposed.”.  (b) EFFECTIVE DATE.-The amendment made by this section shall apply to taxable years beginning after December 31, 2016.

Also review the IRS bulletin on this topic:

Nonresidents of Colorado Taxed on Colorado Real Estate

It is a little known fact that if a nonresident of Colorado owns real estate in Colorado, such as a ski condo, the nonresident must file a DR 104 and complete the 104PN Part-Year/Nonresident Computation Form upon sale or receipt of rent.

For example, a taxpayer who lives in California and owns a vacation ski condo in Aspen must file a Colorado State Income Tax Return DR 104 upon the sale of the condo or if taxpayer has rental income with respect to the ski condo.  As such, taxpayer would likely file two State tax returns: a California return and a Colorado return.

In addition to Colorado real estate, the following income sources are taxed:

  1. The ownership of any interest in real or tangible personal property in Colorado
  2. A business, trade, profession, or occupation carried on in Colorado
  3. The distributive share of partnership or limited liability company income, gain, loss, and deduction determined under CRS section 39-22-203
  4. The share of estate or trust income, gain, loss, and deduction determined under CRS section 39-22-404
  5. Income from intangible personal property, including annuities, dividends, interest, and gains from the disposition of intangible personal property to the extent that such income is from property employed in a business, trade, profession, or occupation carried on in Colorado. A nonresident, other than a dealer holding property primarily for sale to customers in the ordinary course of his trade or business, shall not be deemed to carry on a business, trade, profession, or occupation in Colorado solely by reason of the purchase and sale of property for his own account.
  6. His share of subchapter S corporation income, gain, loss, credit, and deduction allocable or apportionable to Colorado.


Tax Preparation and Planning for Entrepreneurs and High Net Worth Individuals

Tax Preparation and Planning for Entrepreneurs and High Net Worth Individuals

During Tax season, we perform the most sophisticated tax preparation for you. We optimize shareholder and member basis, losses, gains, carryovers and carrybacks.  We ensure that you receive your deductions

Because we are vertically integrated, we provide you with simulated tax returns

If we find an error in your tax plan implementation, we bring it to your attention and provide our tax opinion.

We are vertically integrated.  To us this means that we start with the pieces that compose your tax return all the way up to strategic planning, legal planning, and integrate both for you.

After Tax Season
Tax season isn’t the only time to think about taxes. Nearly every business decision you make has a tax consequence, and we believe working with a tax professional year-round can help you make informed decisions to minimize tax liabilities and take advantage of every possible incentive.

It’s absolutely necessary to gain a thorough understanding of your company’s operations, tax elections and methods, not only to prepare an accurate, complete set of returns, but also to find the most effective means to save additional tax dollars and meet your financial objectives.

From implementing tax-saving strategies and reviewing new legislation to evaluating current elections and amending returns, our staff works tirelessly throughout the entire year to find the most effective ways to save you tax dollars and keep more of your hard-earned profits.

We are working on strategies to minimize the new Healthcare (ObamaCare) 3.8% Tax on Net Investment Income.  This tax is targeted at high income individuals (married filing jointly in excess of $250,000).

Click here to visit our Tax Preparation Page: Tax Preparation

Email us for a free consultation

Or call (303) 626-7000.